Sion hosts a 30 minute yoga flow session which can be practised from the comfort of your own home. It's a revitalising, nourishing and grounding yoga class suitable for all levels and abilities, no previous experience of yoga is necessary. We move through some flowing yoga poses, designed to build your flexibility and strength and end with a calming relaxation session.
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Capoeira is an exciting and dynamic Afro-Brazilian art-form that combines elements of movement, dance, martial arts, music, and play. Don't be put off joining a capoeira class because you're not a gymnast or acrobat. Beginners are not expected to be able to do cartwheels and handstands from the outset! However, your fitness will build from day one and after a few months of training, you might be surprised what you can do. Watch this session to learn basic moves whilst listening to upbeat music and find out a bit of history behind this fascinating form of martial art.

RWL '23 preview - Nina Finlay and Mark Peters
Nina Finlay, a certified Wim Hof Method instructor and Mark Peters, Tai Chi and Qigong master talk though the benefits of cold therapy and importance of breath and moving your body.
Don’t worry, an ice bath is not essential for you to take part in the session!

Removing barriers for employees with disabilities
Disabled employees often face barriers that others don’t even see. In this session, speakers share their own experiences and discuss ways the workplace can be made more inclusive, with simple adjustments.