The way we sleep has a profound impact on how we feel the next day, our health and energy levels, and the way we perform at work and life in general. This session gives a scientific insight into this fascinating subject and offers practical solutions for getting a good night’s sleep and feeling more rested.
Join Catherine Annis for 30-minutes to learn some simple breathing and movement techniques to help you unwind, release stress and unnecessary tension. Catherine briefly introduces the Vagus nerve and show how we can access it to reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure and heart rate and improve sleep. This is a soothing session, suitable for everyone, regardless of movement experience and ability.
Most of us can relate to this: we get into bed at night to scroll through our phones and see what is happening on social media and the internet. We may think this routine helps us unwind, connects with others, distracts us, helps us catch up on the news or lets us see what the people we follow are up to. Little do we realise that this self-destructive night time activity, called doomscrolling, can become a compulsive habit that affects our health. If you’re guilty of doomscrolling, this session will help you get this habit under control.
Nina Finlay, a certified Wim Hof Method instructor and Mark Peters, Tai Chi and Qigong master talk though the benefits of cold therapy and importance of breath and moving your body.
Don’t worry, an ice bath is not essential for you to take part in the session!