Leaders and managers will daily face unexpected challenges and requests on their time to support staff. In this session we explore the dangers of having a single approach to respond to the various mental health issues staff experience and ask for any staff who manager, support or work in a team, what tools they can have to be ready to support others and how to tailor our support to the specific settings we are in. The session includes a brief input to the ways that the Railway Chaplains can support your teams.
In this engaging and practical session, author and Head of Psychology and Workplaces at social movement Action for Happiness, Vanessa King explores why our wellbeing is worth taking seriously - as individuals, colleagues and for our communities. We explore what science suggests are some of its essential ingredients, and importantly practical ideas and actions to try out in our daily lives at home and at work.
In this session, you will learn how mindfulness - which is a way of focusing your attention on the present moment - can help your brain work better, manage stress, think clearer, and manage your mood. You'll find out how it can help you sleep better, feel healthier, and even deal with pain more effectively. Shamash guides you on how to start practising mindfulness - starting with just 10 seconds a day and slowly increasing over time.
*Warning: please only take part in this activity if you are able. Stop taking part if you experience any dizziness, sickness or ringing in your ears*
The Wim Hof Method is scientifically proven to reduce inflammation in the body caused by stress. In this session, Nina Finlay, a certified Wim Hof Method instructor, provides a fully guided Wim Hof Method Breathing Session which you can incorporate into your daily life.
Vidyamala Burch has suffered with chronic pain for over 30 years due to congenital weakness, a car accident and unsuccessful surgery. She is now a wheelchair user. In this positive and reassuring talk, she identifies that it is our resistance to pain which causes it to be so distressing and miserable. She shares easy-to follow breathing techniques and powerful mindfulness meditations teach you how to live in the present moment.
Wendy McCristal and Rupert Lown discuss the importance of good mental health, especially for those in lone working roles. They talk about the health challenges especially faced by shift workers and how they can take control of their wellbeing while working long and irregular hours.