Gelong Thubten is a Buddhist monk and author of Handbook for hard times, A monk’s guide to happiness and co-author of How to be human. In this session, he shares how to optimise mental performance through the mindfulness practice of being in the moment. The session explores stress reduction, mental focus and emotional resilience, and provides tools for integrating ‘micro-moments’ of mindfulness into a busy working life.
Angie Belcher shows how she uses the process of learning stand-up comedy to help people experiencing trauma have confidence to write and perform from their own life experiences. Angie talks about her pioneering work being the first person to get comedy prescribed on the NHS and how her belief that comedy is for more than just the live circuit, but a power for good that can help elevate people and transcend their belief in themselves.
Have you ever considered how lone working can negatively affect our mental health? Whether it’s part of your job role, you’re working at home or in a deserted building, recognising the impact of isolation on our mental and physical health can be underestimated by many. In the session, we discuss the difference between being alone and feeling alone, the impact on loneliness on our mental and physical health and practical tips for managers and leaders to reduce loneliness in the workplace.
Clare Seal guides you through the pillars of financial wellbeing that underpin each stage of life, from new graduate to nearing retirement. Combining mindset principles with practical tips, this workshop encourages participants to consider money management in a way that applies to their whole life, rather than in isolation. From ISAs and impulse spending to pensions and financial anxiety, she covers it all.
Most of us can relate to this: we get into bed at night to scroll through our phones and see what is happening on social media and the internet. We may think this routine helps us unwind, connects with others, distracts us, helps us catch up on the news or lets us see what the people we follow are up to. Little do we realise that this self-destructive night time activity, called doomscrolling, can become a compulsive habit that affects our health. If you’re guilty of doomscrolling, this session will help you get this habit under control.
When you free your mind from the thoughts that f**k you up, you’ll never look at anything the same way again. Want to get started? Highly experienced psychotherapist Daniel Fryer can stop these thoughts from messing up your life using a simple, but effective model. This approach is especially helpful if you struggle with stress, anxiety, depression, anger or self-doubt. Or if you want to improve your relationships with family, colleagues and peers or, simply, yourself.
If you are affected by a financial crisis and need immediate support, the Railway Benefit Fund (RBF) is here to help you. The charity offers financial assistance, practical help and wide-ranging advice, all in the strictest of confidence. You are not alone, and help is only a phone call away.
Leaders and managers will daily face unexpected challenges and requests on their time to support staff. In this session we explore the dangers of having a single approach to respond to the various mental health issues staff experience and ask for any staff who manager, support or work in a team, what tools they can have to be ready to support others and how to tailor our support to the specific settings we are in. The session includes a brief input to the ways that the Railway Chaplains can support your teams.
In this engaging and practical session, author and Head of Psychology and Workplaces at social movement Action for Happiness, Vanessa King explores why our wellbeing is worth taking seriously - as individuals, colleagues and for our communities. We explore what science suggests are some of its essential ingredients, and importantly practical ideas and actions to try out in our daily lives at home and at work.