If you’re a man that wants to lose weight, MAN v FAT is behind you all the way with diet tips and weight loss motivation for men. Their philosophy is simple: all the information, support and tools you need to improve your health, with a refreshing no-nonsense approach. MAN v FAT Football is for men with a BMI of 27.5 or over and a staggering 90+% of players lose weight and get fitter.
Vicki Marinker is a certified trainer and coach, helping professionals regain their confidence and get their careers back on track. Her 5-Minute Wellbeing session covers topics such as beating imposter syndrome, the importance of your network and managing stress. If you need a motivational boost, you've come to the right place!
Our guests look at the challenges that modern, working women face – especially in a male dominated workforce, workplace health and safety issues which particularly affect women, and how they believe organisations can support women better during their employment. They also share advice to young women entering the industry.
Harry Morgan, host of Podcast and YouTube channel JOG ON, discusses how to start running if you never run before. He suggests popular running plans, and will share what happens to our body and brain during a run. We also cover the long term mental benefits of exercise and running too. We help you in your journey no matter what stage you’re at.
Harry Morgan of Podcast and YouTube channel JOG ON gives us five points to run a faster 5K. Whether you're taking on your first 5K or you're someone who does run a lot but wants to see a slightly faster time on the clock, these tips will help you get to where you want to be.
Clare Seal guides you through the pillars of financial wellbeing that underpin each stage of life, from new graduate to nearing retirement. Combining mindset principles with practical tips, this workshop encourages participants to consider money management in a way that applies to their whole life, rather than in isolation. From ISAs and impulse spending to pensions and financial anxiety, she covers it all.
If you are affected by a financial crisis and need immediate support, the Railway Benefit Fund (RBF) is here to help you. The charity offers financial assistance, practical help and wide-ranging advice, all in the strictest of confidence. You are not alone, and help is only a phone call away.
In this session, led by Anne Farrell, Health Promotion Exc, Irish Rail and the CIE group, we look at how to engage men in the workplace. Understand what men’s health is, why it’s important to create a ‘safe space’ for men and how gender can influence the attitudes men can develop when it comes to health.
Nina Finlay, a certified Wim Hof Method instructor and Mark Peters, Tai Chi and Qigong master talk though the benefits of cold therapy and importance of breath and moving your body.
Don’t worry, an ice bath is not essential for you to take part in the session!
Ready to smash your fitness goals? Sports performance psychologists Dan Abrahams and Katie Mobed explore the psychology behind motivation, what smart goal setting is and how to truly stick to your goals to achieve better results in fitness and sport.