If you feel tired on a regular basis, then it is likely you can improve your sleep. Dr David Scott discusses why sleep is fundamental to good health and wellbeing and our ability to perform safely at work, as well as thinking about the effect of sleep apnoea and shift work on the quality of our sleep.
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Relax and unwind
Join Catherine Annis for 30-minutes to learn some simple breathing and movement techniques to help you unwind, release stress and unnecessary tension. Catherine briefly introduces the Vagus nerve and show how we can access it to reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure and heart rate and improve sleep. This is a soothing session, suitable for everyone, regardless of movement experience and ability.

Devising world class approaches to managing fatigue
Let’s talk about how our industry is working together to tackle fatigue risk. This session highlights helpful resources, whether fatigue management is part of your job role or you’re personally struggling with tiredness.

Everything you need to know about fatigue, but were too tired to ask!
Our bright-eyed and bushy-tailed RWA Fatigue Coordination Group have been creating a step-change in how fatigue risk is managed. This session covers what’s already being done and what’s happening in the next year. Olly Glover tells us his sobering story about fatigue.