If you’re a man that wants to lose weight, MAN v FAT is behind you all the way with diet tips and weight loss motivation for men. Their philosophy is simple: all the information, support and tools you need to improve your health, with a refreshing no-nonsense approach. MAN v FAT Football is for men with a BMI of 27.5 or over and a staggering 90+% of players lose weight and get fitter.
Harry Morgan, host of Podcast and YouTube channel JOG ON, discusses how to start running if you never run before. He suggests popular running plans, and will share what happens to our body and brain during a run. We also cover the long term mental benefits of exercise and running too. We help you in your journey no matter what stage you’re at.
Harry Morgan of Podcast and YouTube channel JOG ON gives us five points to run a faster 5K. Whether you're taking on your first 5K or you're someone who does run a lot but wants to see a slightly faster time on the clock, these tips will help you get to where you want to be.
Most of us can relate to this: we get into bed at night to scroll through our phones and see what is happening on social media and the internet. We may think this routine helps us unwind, connects with others, distracts us, helps us catch up on the news or lets us see what the people we follow are up to. Little do we realise that this self-destructive night time activity, called doomscrolling, can become a compulsive habit that affects our health. If you’re guilty of doomscrolling, this session will help you get this habit under control.
Nina Finlay, a certified Wim Hof Method instructor and Mark Peters, Tai Chi and Qigong master talk though the benefits of cold therapy and importance of breath and moving your body.
Don’t worry, an ice bath is not essential for you to take part in the session!
Ready to smash your fitness goals? Sports performance psychologists Dan Abrahams and Katie Mobed explore the psychology behind motivation, what smart goal setting is and how to truly stick to your goals to achieve better results in fitness and sport.
From setting audacious goals, SMART goal setting and tips on staying motivated, this 5-Minute Wellbeing video is guaranteed to leave you feeling inspired and ready to achieve your own goals.
Back pain is the main contributor to absences in the rail industry workforce and is something that many of us can relate to. Join us as we look at new evidence on best practice in managing lower back pain.
Join Audrey Zannese for an introduction to Sophrology: a body-mind technique inspired by Western relaxation exercises and Eastern meditative practices. Discover ways to release stress, build resilience, and boost energy.
Chair yoga? Yes… it’s a real thing. So, join us for this gentle class, adapting yoga poses with a chair all without the stress of getting up and down off the floor. For strength, mobility, and a healthier outlook.