Harry Morgan of Podcast and YouTube channel JOG ON gives us five points to run a faster 5K. Whether you're taking on your first 5K or you're someone who does run a lot but wants to see a slightly faster time on the clock, these tips will help you get to where you want to be.
Nina Finlay, a certified Wim Hof Method instructor and Mark Peters, Tai Chi and Qigong master talk though the benefits of cold therapy and importance of breath and moving your body.
Don’t worry, an ice bath is not essential for you to take part in the session!
Ready to smash your fitness goals? Sports performance psychologists Dan Abrahams and Katie Mobed explore the psychology behind motivation, what smart goal setting is and how to truly stick to your goals to achieve better results in fitness and sport.
From setting audacious goals, SMART goal setting and tips on staying motivated, this 5-Minute Wellbeing video is guaranteed to leave you feeling inspired and ready to achieve your own goals.
Follow along with Helen Hayes’ session on acupressure. Learn breathing, pressure, tapping, and massage techniques you can use from waking up in the morning to winding down for a restorative night’s sleep.
Neck pain can be a pain in the, well, neck. Back pain too. This session gives you a taster of how Pilates can improve your life, with some go-to moves to help you fend off stiffness and pain.
Lift your mood, energy, and vibe. This yoga session involves a grounding breath awareness practice, mobilisation of the spine, and lying down for a body scan to find a deep state of relaxation.
If you work long hours at a desk, grab a yoga mat. It’s time to release those aches and pains! This session helps to ease neck, shoulder, back, and hip tightness, through easy and low-demand movements.
We all know how to breath, right? Maybe not. Many of us could be breathing much more efficiently. So join BBC meditation coach and yoga teacher Clare Connolly for some practices designed to strengthen your lungs, relax your nervous system, and boost your immune system.
Take some time for you. In this session we’ll use upright movements – sometimes dynamic and sometimes intense – to help relax your body, check in with how you’re feeling, and let go.