Louise Newby provides insights on the challenges of neurodiverse conditions including dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, ADHD and autism – and how to improve our working environment for neurodiverse people.
Back pain is the main contributor to absences in the rail industry workforce and is something that many of us can relate to. Join us as we look at new evidence on best practice in managing lower back pain.
Known in Japan as ‘shinrin yoku’, forest-bathing is a simple outdoors relaxation method to help boost health and wellbeing. Join us to discover more including exercises to try when you’re out in nature.
Disabled employees often face barriers that others don’t even see. In this session, speakers share their own experiences and discuss ways the workplace can be made more inclusive, with simple adjustments.
There are many misconceptions around musculoskeletal disorders, but this session helps us to understand them better. Hear how we can work together to manage musculoskeletal health, as well as our existing guidance and planned commitments in this space.
‘If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.’ An apt quote. Led by Stephen Bevan, this session is all about using data to help steer effective employee health and wellbeing programmes.
Arthritic knees can be a debilitating condition, affecting lives at home and at work. Step in Össur, who’s here to take us through a non-surgical and clinically validated pain-relieving brace.
This all-important session provides a holistic view of the health issues faced by women. We discuss whether different approaches are needed, what these approaches could be, and how this all feeds into making our organisations more inclusive.
Women’s health and fitness coach, Baz Moffat, shares her easy-to-follow tips for a healthier midlife. Watch this 5-minute video for advice on sleep, managing stress and anxiety, diet, exercise and bladder and bowel health.