Being proactive gives us the best chance of preventing and managing musculoskeletal disorders. In this session, Ross Balcombe discusses Southeastern’s collaborative approach and ongoing initiatives for protecting the musculoskeletal heath of their drivers.
Long hours away from home. Working when others are enjoying holidays. A global pandemic. It’s not surprising that so many of us feel fatigued. This session is all about our commitment to finding solutions.
Sluggish, rubbish, and lethargic. We all know the feeling of a bad night’s sleep. Hope’s session is an introduction to the science of sleep and the very best techniques for improving the quality of your shuteye and drifting off into a deep slumber.
Our bright-eyed and bushy-tailed RWA Fatigue Coordination Group have been creating a step-change in how fatigue risk is managed. This session covers what’s already being done and what’s happening in the next year. Olly Glover tells us his sobering story about fatigue.
If something’s not quite right, it’s always best to get checked. Rob Miguel raises awareness of prostate cancer and explains what symptoms to look for. Giving this session a watch could just save a life.
Working nights or odd hours can confuse your body clock, and it’s much harder to sleep during the daytime. But thankfully there are practical steps you can take to help manage your sleep and stay alert while on duty.